Sunday, October 03, 2010



移民(いみん)- immigration

スウェットショップ - sweatshop

法律(ほうりつ)- law

状態(じょうたい)- condition

開演(かいぜん)- improvement (also Japanese business philosophy of continuous improvement)

変更(へんこう)- change

強制退去(きょうせいたいきょ)- forced eviction; deport

不法入国者(ふほうにゅうこくしゃ)- illegal immigrant

最低賃金(さいていちんぎん)- minimum wage

低賃金産業(ていちんぎんさんぎゅう)- low wage industry

賃率(ちんりつ)- pay rate; labor rate

戦う(たたかう)- to fight; to struggle

国境(こっきょう)- national or state border

民主主義(みんしゅしゅぎ)- democracy

治国(ちこく)- government

米政府(べいせいふ)- U.S. Government

貧困線(ひんこんせん)- poverty line

貧困(ひんこん)- poverty; poor

工場(こうば)- factory

工員(こいん)- factory worker

鉛毒(えんどく)- lead poisoning

詐欺(さぎ)- fraud; swindle (noun, no-adjective)

詐取する(さしゅする)- exploit, fraud, swindle (noun)

搾り取る(しぼりとる)- to exploit

少年労働(しょうねんろうどう)- child labor

組み立てライン(くみたてライン)- assembly line

レイバーユニオン - labor union

労働基準法(ろうどうきじゅんほう)- Labor Standards Act

労働法(ろうどうほう)- labor laws

大量生産(たいりょうせいさん)- mass production

製作費(せいさくひ)- production cost

益金(えききん)- profit

分業(ぶんぎょう)- division of labor

謁す(えっす)- to inspect; to examine

とうせい(とうせい)- regulation

ヘルスケア - health care

請負人(うけおいいん)- contractor

言葉の壁(ことばのかべ)- language barrier

人身取引(じんしんとりひき)- human trafficking

消費者(しょうひしゃ)- consumer



Idée Fixe said...

wow. That's a lot of jargon!!
Thanks for your comment.
I think I wrote those two points a little vaguely.
I meant the development of katakana as a tool to express foreign sounds, not the actual development of the characters.
Since katakana express mostly romanized words,
this correlates to the first exposure of Japanese to the Dutch traders (a realization to transcribe foreign names) to current exposure to foreign technology like computers (the development of such words).
When I meant that hiragana is different from kanji, I meant that the function of hiragana is different from that of kanji. Kanji is a ideographic characters whereas hiragana is a phonetic one. This is in recognition that kanji, as far as my knowledge goes, is the only ideographic alphabet on the planet.
I hope I establish myself as a more credible writer with those clarifications.
Thank you so much for your comments!

Idée Fixe said...

also when i mean pretty recent I'm thinking the past like 200 years or so since east asian history extends waaaaaaaaay back